Jazz Trio, 1958
in the Martz Studio & Home.

In the hallway (see #5 in the key) between Eric's and Brian's rooms was an upright player piano. Here, Karl (left, age 46) is playing boogie woogie on the piano. Brian (rear, age 15) is playing the trombone. Eric (front, age 18) is playing a washtub base*.

Brian became a professional trombonist after earning a Performance Certificate at the Indiana University Music School. His first job was as the Principal Trombonist in the Sympony of Lima, Peru. He played in a jazz band sent on a goodwill tour of Asia and the Middle East by the State Department of the United States. He had gigs playing in the Henry Mancini band. Later, he taught low brass and music theory at the University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point for most of his career.

Eric became a cell biologist and immunologist. After earning a Ph.D. in Biology at Johns Hopkins University in 1969 (dissertation research done at Princeton University), he did research and taught at Harvard Medical School for a decade, and then at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst for most of his career.

*A galvanized iron washtub is turned upside down. A rope with a knot at the bottom is strung through a hole in the bottom (now the top) of the washtub. The top of the rope is affixed to a broom handle, which has a groove in the bottom, and sits on the edge of the washtub. Pitch is controlled by the tension on the rope.

Photograph by Hartley Alley.