Karl Martz Memories: Tales by Stanley Lee
Copyright © 2004 by Stanley Lee, Bloomington, Indiana
Reproduced at MartzPots.Org with permission.
We are grateful to Dr. Lee for his generosity in contributing these Tales.

  1. Four Lives of a Fish

  2. The "New Glaze"

  3. Throwing Wheels and Teaching

  4. Reasons -- Throwing the globe -- Y bowls

  5. Bulletin Boards -- Throwing Large Plates

  6. Master Teacher as a Source -- Kanthal Wire

  7. Pot Lids

  8. Form, Decoration, and Peter Voulkos

  9. Test Tiles and Glaze Stains

  10. Glaze Mixing -- Ball Mills -- Gerber Jars and Muffin Trays

  11. Pouring, Waxing, and Dipping

  12. Comeback Baggs Reds

  1. Reduction Effects in Neutral

  2. Demonstrating in Public

  3. Getting Lead Out -- Pottery That Teaches

  4. Glaze Carving Tale

  5. Displeasures and Pleasures

  6. Tools You Can Make

  7. Wedging Boards

  8. Terra Sigillata and Sealing

  9. Finding Tools

  10. Black Pottery -- Body Putty

  11. Welcome Eboigbe Ebony